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(Video link) Yesterday I did another little watercolor painting, this time of the garden beside the chapel at Bard College in New York.

I brought the video camera so you could follow my step-by-step progress — and witness the little accident I had halfway through. I caught it on video, but deleted the expletive.

This detail is about three inches across. Tools: Schmincke Watercolor Pocket Set 1-inch flat watercolor brushCaran D'Ache watercolor pencilsMoleskine Watercolor Notebook, and a 1/4 inch flat watercolor travel brush, shot on a Canon VIXIA.

The music was written and performed by John R. York, who is a long-time reader and contributor to this blog. Here's his website and his music page. The piece is called "A Lock of Hair," from his "Sketchbook" album. Thanks, John!

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