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Here's something that never happened before, and may never happen again. 

A customer named Sarah from Burlington, Ontario ordered a copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition of Dinotopia from our little online store. I had the book all wrapped up and was ready to put it in the mail when Google told me that I would be driving near her workplace on my trip back from Toronto. I realized the book would get to her faster if I just dropped it off myself.

On Tuesday morning I arrived at Sarah's office building. I asked the receptionist if Sarah might be free at the moment. I explained that Sarah had ordered a book, that I'm the author of the book, and that I've driven 500 miles away from home and would like to give it to her personally.

Sarah arrived. I handed her the package and returned the money she had paid for the extra shipping costs. She was a little surprised to find out that the delivery guy was also the author. She said she had all my other books, she enjoyed them since she was a kid, and this was the last one that completed her collection.

As an author, I'm always interested to meet my readers. I know I wouldn't be in this business without lots of people like Sarah. So thanks, Sarah, and thanks to each of my other readers. I wish I could hand deliver all my orders!

You can order books and prints from my website stores at or No guarantee I'll bring them to you personally, but I would be happy to sign them for you.
