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How did John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) find a painting subject? Sir Edmund Gosse recalled:

"He was accustomed to emerge [from the house where he was staying in Broadway, England], carrying a large easel, to advance a little way into the open, and then suddenly to plant himself down nowhere in particular, behind a barn, opposite a wall, in the middle of a field. The process was like that in the game of musical chairs where the player has to stop dead, wherever he may happen to be, directly the piano stops playing. The other painters were all astonished at Sargent’s never ‘selecting’ a point of view, but he explained it in his half-articulate way. His object was to acquire the habit of reproducing precisely whatever met his vision without the slightest previous ‘arrangement’ of detail, the painter’s business being, not to pick and choose, but to render the effect before him, whatever they may be.”
Related post on JG: Ninety Degree Rule
from “John Sargent” by the Honorable Evan Charteris, 1927.
The painting is called "Home Fields" from 1885.
New book: John Singer Sargent: Watercolors
