At the end of August, I invited you to create 1-minute long videos for a contest called "Plein-Air Persistence."

There were five six entries, and they all show wonderful imagination and hard work. Please have a look through them and vote for your favorite in the poll at left.

1. Michael Goldberg
Video Link:

2. Frank Hegyi and Shane Kier
Websites: and

3. Meghan N. Sours

4. Matthew Kalamidas
Video Link:

5. Dominik Litwiniak 
Video link:
ADDENDUM: This last entry somehow fell through the cracks, and was apparently missed because of Gmail's spam filters. Although you can't vote for Nathaniel's video in the poll, tell him in the comments what you think!

6. Nathaniel Gold
Video Link:
The top vote getters will receive a signed book from me, as well as prizes donated by Richeson Art Products and Liliedahl Video Productions and will be featured in Plein Air Magazine. Dominik will automatically win some prizes since his was the only entry in the Animation category.

Voting will continue until Sunday night at midnight, so please tell your friends about the contest. Thanks to everyone who entered.
Plein Air Persistence contest announcement