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I arrived at the Portrait Society of America annual conference in Washington, DC last evening as the Face-off began. 

The Face-off is a competition between 15 artists who paint five models in groups of three as attendees watch. Here's Tony Pro, one of the contestants. The winner will be determined by popular vote.

One of the reasons the convention organizers invited me back was to sketch from the sidelines like a courtroom reporter. I'm using the little Schmincke watercolor kit, some gouache, and watercolor pencils in a watercolor notebook.

Instructors this year include: Sam Adoquei, Juliette Aristides, Ryan Brown, Scott Burdick, Wende Caporale, Ellen Cooper, Virgil Elliott, Rose Frantzen, Max Ginsburg, Daniel Greene, James Gurney, Jeffrey Hein, Quang Ho, Edward Jonas, David Kassan, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Robert Liberace, Susan Lyon, Michael Shane Neal, Paul Newton, Alicia Ponzio, Tony Pro, Mardie Rees, Anthony Ryder, Rhoda Sherbell, Burton Silverman, Daniel Sprick, Sharon Sprung, Alexey Steele, Jennifer Welty, Dawn Whitelaw, and Mary Whyte.

Portrait Society of America Website
