Here's a sketch I did yesterday called "Behind the Diner," painted in casein on location in Red Hook, New York.
The basic process involved washing the color in transparently and then blocking the big shapes in with flat brushes, then finishing up with smaller round brushes.

Incidentally, the blue colors aren't this intense--has anyone noticed that Blogger seems to have installed an auto-color enhancer algorithm?
EDIT: Thanks to Stuart for researching about the auto-enhance feature on Google plus (see comments). I went into Google Plus settings and deactivated that setting. Here's the image with the auto-enhance turned off, which is a lot closer to the original:

You can see a step-by-step sequence with more steps that you can click through, on my public Facebook page.

Here's more about the tools I was using:
Casein tube colors
1/4 inch flat brush 
Moleskine watercolor notebook
Waterman Phileas red fountain pen 