Clement sees a poster for a dancing girl, and the story that follows is as old as time.
This is episode 14 from the Clementoons adventures. I'm releasing the mini-movies out of order, but this is the first.

I shot the video on location at Mel Birnkrant's personal museum of comic characters. Mel is at right, operating the Miss Bubbles marionette, which was created by Bil Baird, the puppeteer for the goatherd sequence in "The Sound of Music." At center is assistant puppeteer Christopher Radko, better known for his Christmas ornaments and organic lavender.

I built the doghouse out of foam core board and craft foam, assembled with hot glue and painted in acrylic.
The song "She's a Hum Dum Dinger" is by Jimmie Davis, who later became the governor of Louisiana.
I had fun with the dramatic lighting and cinematography, and tried to use upshots as much as possible to make the characters seem larger than life. The digital pasties were added to the close-ups of Miss Bubbles by Roger Bansemer, because otherwise the video would have been a bit too hot for YouTube.
The Clementoons title music is called "If There Weren't Any Women in the World," performed by the Yanks, from their new album, "Haymaker."
Clementoons: Behind the Scenes