How compact can you get with your watercolor set? Here are two of the tiniest I've seen, the Pocket Palette and the Winsor and Newton Bijou Box.
At left is "The Pocket Palette" by artist Maria Coryell-Martin It's based on those metal business card cases, with shallow metal pans that fit inside, held in place by a magnetic backing. She uses it on her painting expeditions to Greenland and Antarctica (link to her blog).
The book behind it is a 3.5 x 5.5 inch Pocket Moleskine
. It's similar to one called "The Perfect Sketchbook" being Kickstarted by an artist named Erwin Lian Cherngzhi with just 5 days to go.
On the right is a 30-year-old Winsor and Newton pocket set called the "Bijou Box," which I used when I was on assignment for the National Geographic in the Holy Land in the 1980s.
The Bijou Box has 18 colors. It's a nice selection...
New Gamboge, Raw Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, Light Red, Permanent Rose, Cobalt Blue, Paynes Grey, Cerulean Blue, French Ultramarine, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Scarlet Lake, Sepia, Winsor Green, Winsor Blue, Burnt Umber, and Black
But I think that's too many colors for such a small box, resulting in pans that are only a half inch square. If you begin with fewer colors in larger pans, I believe you're more likely to get harmonious color and more generous paint application.
I'd love to have your vote in the poll at left, where I ask you to vote for your 8 indispensable colors for watercolor painting (Sorry if I didn't mention your favorite---there really are hundreds).
I'd love to have your vote in the poll at left, where I ask you to vote for your 8 indispensable colors for watercolor painting (Sorry if I didn't mention your favorite---there really are hundreds).
This video (Direct link to YouTube) is an excerpt from my 28-minute video called "Watercolor in the Wild: BONUS FEATURES."
If you liked the 72-minute main feature, you'll love this one too.
If you liked the 72-minute main feature, you'll love this one too.
This supplement has 12 short segments, delivering bite-size inspiration that you can take anywhere on your portable devices or watch at home in HD.
It consists of 1080p HD releases of my most popular YouTube videos on watercolor painting, some with newly recorded commentary, plus an exclusive video where I use watercolor to render a dinosaur skeleton in a museum.
It consists of 1080p HD releases of my most popular YouTube videos on watercolor painting, some with newly recorded commentary, plus an exclusive video where I use watercolor to render a dinosaur skeleton in a museum.
"Watercolor in the Wild: BONUS FEATURES" is available only as a download from the following:
Previously on GurneyJourney: Watercolor Materials