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(You can slide through the images on your trackpad or use arrow keys to navigate the embedded feature above. Click on an image and zoom in, or play the video. If it doesn't work in the embedded form, just link directly over to my exhibition website.) 

A while ago I received an invitation from Google to help them test a new toolset for artists and museums called "Google Open Gallery."

The online tools let you share your paintings in a scalable format, so visitors can zoom into the finest details. You can also combine your images into exhibits and enhance them with video and audio. I like the way a sound recording or a short video shot on location can bring a painting to life and make you feel like you're there.

I put together an exhibition of 20 of my plein-air casein studies, accompanied by 14 videos and 4 audio captures. To get the full experience, please follow this link to the James Gurney Casein Exhibit on Google Open Gallery.

Google is currently giving out the tools to artists for free, but it's by invitation only. If you would like to request an invite, or just explore other exhibitions, check out the main page at Google Open Gallery. Both my exhibit presentation and Google's design interface is a work in progress. Let us know how it's working on your player—or what questions you might have—in the comments.

I made a watercolor exhibit, too, and I'll show you that in a couple of days.